General Conditions

Legal guarantee of conformity of the Product according to European Union legislation.

Under European law, the seller guarantees the conformity of the goods sold for a minimum period of 2 years from delivery. Therefore, the seller is required to ensure that the purchased goods have the promised or reasonably foreseeable quality, functionality or characteristics for at least two years from the time of delivery to the buyer.

If Users act as European Consumers, the legal guarantee of conformity of the goods applies to items available on this Website in accordance with the laws of the country in which they habitually reside.

The national laws of that country may grant such Users wider rights.

Consumers who do not act as European Consumers could enjoy rights to guarantee compliance under the law of the country in which they habitually reside.


The Warranty on the components defined Consumables is 1 year.

Consumables are those components that are subject to wear every time the finished product is used.

List of consumables:

  • Battery;
  • Pushbutton;
  • Tracks;
  • Wheels;
  • Handle/Handstand;
  • Loading base.

Field of application

The Guarantee is activated following any malfunctions attributable to the manufacturer.

The Guarantee is not activated due to structural damage due to improper use by the customer.

The Warranty is not activated after component usury.

It is therefore essential to determine a clear division between the cases in question.

Explanation of the cases:

  1. Malfunctions (attributable to the manufacturer):

    Any system failure that prevents the correct use of the stairclimber. For example: electronic card error/alarm, faulty battery, faulty motor, etc..
  1. Structural damage (attributable to the customer):

Any breakage that is attributable to a fall and/or subsequent to a misuse by the customer.

For example: tearing and/or breaking of the plastics, misalignment of the track system, detachment of the dumbbells, broken handle, etc…

  1. Usury of the components:

No warranty applies for normal usury of components.

For example: tracks usury, wheel usury, handle usury, plastic usury, etc…

Customers with VAT and/or Companies

The duration of the Guarantee in case of purchase by holders of VAT and/or Companies is halved.

It then becomes 1 year for the Product, and 6 months for Consumables.


  • The guarantee is activated by written communication to the email specifying the reason and attaching images and/or videos that can show the damage;
  • The actual activation starts from the receipt by the parent company of the damaged product. Only from that moment on the company will continue with the assessment of the damage;
  • The company reserves the right to assess the integrity of damaged machine components:Machines that do not have all the components will not be accepted, regardless of whether they are damaged or not.
  • The assessment consists in determining whether the damage declared is attributable or not to the company, according to the specified criteria.
  • Once the product has been evaluated, It will be the responsibility of the company to notify the customer of the activation of the guarantee or not.